
VR assisted workshops giving leaders the understanding and tools to advance their

positive impact on the environment

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The challenge

Despite people’s worry for the environment, their behaviours often do not correspond with these concerns. Several leading organisations are moving to net zero, but many leaders find it

difficult to navigate in this space. In addition to financial goals and satisfying their shareholders; new skills are now required to strengthen their sustainability DNA.

Society is demanding change, and this is seen in board rooms globally. Companies will be able to differentiate themselves by acting now and being ahead of the requirement to implement SDGs by 2030.

Inspiring leaders to transform into agents of change and initiating behavioural change in organisations, primarily multinationals, will be our target

The solution


Developing and running leadership workshops to better connect people to our planet; to encourage participants to be compelled to act by becoming part of the sustainability solution. Numerous courses are aimed at the facts of climate change but omit the emotional aspects.

Our solution blends evidence-based immersive VR with the issues of climate change addressing both the heart and mind. The workshops help leaders discover their personal purpose so they can transform themselves and their organisations for a better world.

The VR takes participants on a space journey watching earth from space creating a powerful cognitive shift in awareness in how we think about our surroundings, our connection to life and others and how we think of earth.


Our misssion

To deliver the workshop, with the help of third parties, to 1m leaders by 2030.

Whilst we cannot quantify the impact our solution will have on alleviating the climate problem, workshops will elicit an emotional change. Research has shown that emotional stimuli such as VR has the potential to influence two thirds of people.

We have shown the VR to

over 1,000 people and witnessed a range of responses: a significant number reporting a strengthened connection to Earth, becoming tearful and feeling a sense of guilt at what we have done to our planet, our home. If a fraction of the 1m leaders change their behaviour as well as their organisation, the positive impact to help the climate problem will be significant.

The VR takes viewers in orbit with breath taking views of our planet, watching the beauty, and eliciting a sense of awe but also witnessing the fragility of our planet and devastation caused by climate change. The workshop includes the tools and activities for attendees to address the climate problem in their organisations.

The term Overview Effect was coined by Frank White to describe the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, "hanging in the void", shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide people become less important.


Research led

Independent research is carried out on our programmes to test their efficacy, to continually improve them and to ensure that they deliver the best experience possible.

Early feedback from this research suggests that our programmes instil a sense of awe towards the planet and increase connectedness to nature, which is closely linked to improved mental health and pro-environmental behaviour. We are carrying out research on other beneficial effects of our programmes.

“The experience is incredible, you have all this motion and colours and light that really gives you the sense that we live on a living, breathing organism and the experience is undeniable yet surreal, it remains very much part of who I am today”

Ron Garan, former NASA astronaut

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Since the launch of our VR workshop in the Netherlands in October 2021 over 2 thousand executives, scientists, students and young professionals from a broad range of organisations have participated.


workshop brochure



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